An Excellent Way to Keep the Communication Alive with


Are you having a hard time trying to reach your employees? Do you want to make some important announcements but don’t know how because miscommunication and misinformation might occur? If so, you will need one of the best and most reliable internal communication mobile apps  from It’s an effective way to keep the communication alive without organizing a meeting or sending ineffective emails that might get lost in the junk mail. Plus, it’s an app that you can download for your mobile phones, making it very easy to use for everyone with smartphones.

Keeping your entire workforce connected is essential for a business or a company to work. Luckily, the award-winning internal communications app from can keep everyone together – from the frontliners to your headquarters. You can keep them connected and aligned thanks to the rich international communication that can bridge the digital divide. It cuts through communication noise, organizational silos, time zones, and language barriers. It’s the perfect software that can keep your workforce together – no matter what role or responsibility they have.

Real-Time Communication with Your Entire Workforce

70% of employees feel like they are missing out on important announcements and updates due to poor internal communication. You can fix that problem through an effective and efficient internal communications app from You no longer need to use ineffective forms of communications, such as emails. These can easily be missed by your employees who don’t usually check their emails all the time. And with, you can easily broadcast critical information, such as announcements, policy changes, performance reports, and company news. You can post any kind of update without your employees missing anything.

Solve the language barrier problem for your multilingual employees from around the world. They can easily translate all communications and messages with their chosen language. It keeps everyone on the same page, and nobody will experience any miscommunication problems or errors. Everyone can understand all internal communication coming their way, no matter where in the world they are.

Target Delivery, Ensure Maximum Reach, & More

The internal communication app from has many features that’s extremely useful. One, you can create different groups according to roles, departments, location, and more. You will only send relevant information to those who need it and the people who will find it useful. You can save the personalized content to save time too. None of your employees will ever skim on information again and they can prevent information overload. You can ensure a higher rate of information consumption and understanding within the workforce.

No information will ever be missed, especially company-wide announcements, with the ability to pin posts at the top of the feed. You can also track if your employees have read the messages through the read-receipts. It’s also possible to also alert the employees through push notifications, SMS, and emails. It’s the best way to reach your employees and ensure that they can read the most vital messages that need action right away. Use the internal communication app, and you will never have problems trying to reach your workforce with just one tap.

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