Explore the best Details for the Perfect Affiliate Marketing Deals


There are, in my eyes, two completely different types of affiliate programs, one open and the other closed. We detail all this in this little article that addresses this crucial point: how to succeed in its affiliation program and find its ambassadors? We mention at the outset these two types of affiliate programs, because they do not come together at all in the same way.

The classic affiliation method

The open program is, for example, that of Amazon. Everyone or almost everyone can become an affiliate. The affiliation system is based on this amount of people and sites that will “spread the word”. Thus, the site offers a “becomes affiliate” option and all the tools and explanations for that, in semi-automatic. FromĀ  now you can have the perfect deals available.

To succeed in your affiliate program in these conditions, you usually have to be a great player on the web. It is the law of supply and demand. Moreover, in these cases, the commissions awarded are often very low.

But, if you start your ecommerce, your service or you are in the info prenariat, we do not recommend the establishment of this type of affiliate program.

Scrupulously select your affiliates

The method that I would advise you is even announcing your affiliate program. Do not post a public link on your store. You may not even have opened your shop yet. This one can be in the phase of creation of this one.

You have a page, of course, to register as an affiliate. You expose the terms and conditions, the management, the resources and all that is necessary to succeed your affiliate program. But all these elements are accessible by a direct link of which you only inform the affiliates you have chosen.

Get inspired by orchestrated launch strategies

Long before launching your product or store, create links with bloggers and influencers in your area. Eh yes. It requires work upstream. You cannot arrive, perfect stranger, and rely on one of the best bloggers in your industry to promote you.

Comment on their publications, bring added value. Interact on social networks and support your events. Share their ads; defend them when they are hurt, in short: show that you are a regular support.

Support your future affiliates

When your name is no longer unknown to each targeted blogger, whether you are finalizing your launch or opening, contact them directly.

Read more: Explore the best Details for the Perfect Affiliate Marketing Deals

Exchange, by email or better by Skype. Talk about him, his projects, what he likes about his blogging activity. Do not come directly to your implementation. Share your common passion.

Explain to him, then only, your concept, offer him a taste, and show off – your project.

Finish these first exchanges, or this conversation voice, with ease, promising to keep in touch.

A few days later, you can submit a partnership that you only book a few affiliates with whom you have affinities.