Tips to Buy the Best Wireless Internet Router


Is it time to get a new internet router for your office or home? Well, we can guess it with our common sense that you are looking for the best one you can avail. Since all the Internet wireless routers look almost the same when you take a first look, their attributes are quite different. To choose the best one that will perfectly suit your purpose, from these varied options, isn’t an easy task. But do not worry, we are here to prepare you in advance, what to look for, before you pay for one. Check out below the listing that will help you zero down to the best wireless internet router that matches best with the internet service you have subscribed to.

Check out the Speed Rating

Wireless router companies are mostly seen to be advertising the speed of each of their router models in megabits per second (Mbps). It will always be tempting to get the routers that have achieved the highest Mbps rating, but that is where the real trick lies. The actual performance these routers will achieve later in practice sometimes go much lower than the maximum rating we get to see on the package.

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The reality is, that even high-speed routers have no ability to boost up the speed of your ​Internet connectiondirectly. So, the criteria should not stick to the Speed Rating in the first place.

Rating by Maximum Number of Consumers

If you are searching for the best wireless internet router for yourself, the best way is to visit a trustable site and sort out the models with average customer review rating more than at least four stars. If you find models rated five stars, but with few customer feedback posts, better to move ahead. On the contrary, do look for more number of customers who have used the model, and the number should be never less than a hundred.


Number does matter.If you find many people buying a particular product, that does hold a credibility of usefulness. The network gears that are top selling ones mostly tend to be built with current generation technology but might not be of the cutting edged ones. So it is up to you, if you want to play safe by going with the crowd or experiment with the latest ones.


Who doesn’t want an assurance from the manufacturer, that their product will be replaced or repaired without cost, if they get a damaged one? To make that a strong selling point, most of the Wireless Internet router manufacturers in the recent days make sure of provide a warranty package with their product.

Read more: Tips to Buy the Best Wireless Internet Router

A better warranty tenure indicates that the manufacturer is more committed to their customers, and at the same time have more confidence in their products. Hence it is always recommendable to consider those wireless routers who carry with them long tenure of warranties.

The Cost Factor

Finally, the choice of a wireless router can be rounded up with the cost factor. There are many manufacturers who prefer to offer discounts to their customers, cutting down the full retail price of their products. If you get happen to come across one, do give it a chance.